There is a lot of potential in your piece, there is enough material here for several pieces in fact. There are so many changes in texture, if you develop each section you can end up with either one very long piece, or several decent size pieces. In my opinion, the high note flourishes become a little too much sometimes, it just seems a bit rushed with the switching between sextuplets and triplets. It could work, but I would maybe stick with one pattern for a longer period of time. The accompanying figures seems to favour a more simple, expressive melody. I am a sucker for rich harmonies, and you do have some good progressions. A modulation would add some more flavour to the overall feel of the piece, e.g modulation up a semi-tone to create an intensive build-up, or maybe down a minor third to give a more haunting, horror-movie sound. This is of course just my, hopefully constructive opinion, at the end of the day it is your own opinion that is the most important one. But overall a nice sounding piece of music, well done.